Napalm Strikes
by Chantillas

In China07? You are granted a one time use of the Powerful Napalm Strike which calls down a strike of 4 MiGs to create a firestorm at a targeted Location.

Albeit it still works, however there are (for unexplainable reasons) problems with the Napalm Strike firing from the Command Center. Therefore I use the Propaganda Centre for mine (Use whatever you feel is right.)

Anyways onto the Tutorial

Firstly open FactionBuilding.ini and locate:

Object ChinaCommandCenter

Behavior= OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_16
SpecialPowerTemplate = SuperweaponNapalmStrike

Cut/Copy the Module Tag and find the Propaganda Center (Or Whatever Building you choose).

Object ChinaPropagandaCenter
Behavior= OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_30
SpecialPowerTemplate = SuperweaponNapalmStrike
Feel free to add it whereever on the Building you use and I suggest using a higher number rather than 16, as 16 is taken on most buildings. Anyways, in terms of buildings, your done! Onto the CommandSets!

Locate the building that is using the superweapon and add this line

CommandSet ChinaPropagandaCenterCommandSet
XX = Command_NapalmStrike

CommandSet ChinaPropagandaCenterCommandSetUpgrade
XX = Command_NapalmStrike
XX of course being the number that you use & of course it's on the upgrade command set otherwise when you upgrade to mines you'll lose the command

I suggest (and this goes for all buildings) putting the Superweapon off to the right. This way it seperates units/technology/superweapons

With that your done. Load up the Game and test out your Napalm Strike.